Welcome to your resource for understanding and managing acid reflux and heartburn. Here, you'll find essential information on the causes, triggers, and effective strategies for relief from these common digestive issues. Discover practical advice on dietary changes, lifestyle adjustments, and treatments to alleviate symptoms and improve your digestive health. Start your journey towards comfort and well-being with us today.

Solutions for Overcoming Acid Reflux and Heartburn

Acid Reflux Nutritionist - GERD Management that works

Functional Medicine in Acid Reflux and Heartburn.

Living with acid reflux is challenging, and we're here to offer real solutions - not just suppressing the symptoms.

Every Acid Reflux case is unique. You may experience heartburn from acidic foods - or you may not. Some have bloating or belching, some only have that burning feeling.

Just like your case is unique - our approach is unique; we delve deep into the underlying factors of reflux, which varies from case to case. We are committed to expertise in the field and assist individuals of all ages who face daily challenges with reflux, and we get good results.

Resolving gut issues brings immense rewards, beyond just the ability to enjoy your favorite foods again. We understand that our clients suffering from acid reflux experience significant discomfort. Our goal is for our clients to be free of gut issues permanently, not just for a temporary fix. This deep and thorough approach may require patience, but the results are lasting. Most of our acid reflux clients work with us for 3-6 sessions, experiencing profound improvements in their condition.

To begin your journey towards lasting relief from acid reflux and heartburn, we invite you to request a free health review. Let us guide you towards a life free from the discomfort of reflux, with solutions tailored to your unique health needs.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • I have had little to no heartburn symptoms at all, despite putting both dairy and gluten back a while ago.

  • I just really wanted to say Thank You! It’s literally been life changing!

    Female IBS Sufferer

  • This clinic is just a life saver..i wouldn’t take my family anywhere else!

Heartburn and Acid Reflux

Despite what you may think, heartburn is rarely caused simply by too much acid. We feel that this is an out of date and over-simplified view of the mechanisms of acid reflux.

Just like other gut symptoms (bloating, constipation etc) - acid reflux in fact, is often a symptom of the digestive process not working as it should. This is why we take a whole-gut approach, so that we can address the root of the problem. All factors must be considered, such as a fatty diet, stomach acid regulation, gut bacteria, gallbladder and more.

Using the best digestive analysis tests on the market, we will screen you for H.P, histamine intolerance, bacterial imbalance, low stomach acid and much more.

Want to know what tests would be best for your heartburn problem?

Wondering if we can help?

If you're seeking relief from acid reflux, book an acid reflux support session with us below. Our team is ready to help you find the solutions you need for lasting comfort and health.

Nutritionist Sessions

Nutritional Testing Kits


  • Yes we can. Your GP will remain responsible for your medication, our work with sit alongside their care. We hope to support you so that you’ll have a less need for PPI medication.

  • Yes, science does not support this, but clinically we frequently observe this. We are attuned to ‘different types of reflux’, and will be able to estimate if this is the case for you (followed by tests).

  • In some people, we see SIBO and heartburn together, yes. We can test for SIBO.

  • Functional medicine approaches acid reflux and heartburn by looking beyond just alleviating symptoms and aims to identify the underlying causes of these conditions. This might involve examining factors such as diet, lifestyle habits, stress levels, gut microbiome health, and potential food sensitivities. Functional medicine practitioners often use a combination of dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, and supplements. For instance, they might recommend altering eating patterns, reducing intake of trigger foods (like spicy, fatty, or highly acidic foods), and incorporating stress-reducing practices. Additionally, they may explore potential issues like low stomach acid or bacterial overgrowth in the gut as contributing factors.

  • In functional medicine, several lifestyle and dietary changes are often recommended to help manage acid reflux and heartburn. These may include eating smaller, more frequent meals instead of large ones, avoiding eating right before bedtime, and elevating the head while sleeping to prevent nighttime reflux. Dietary changes typically involve reducing the intake of foods and beverages that can relax the lower esophageal sphincter, such as alcohol, caffeine, chocolate, and peppermint. Acidic foods like tomatoes and citrus, as well as spicy and fatty foods, might also be limited. In addition, practitioners might suggest increasing fiber intake and consuming more alkaline foods to help balance stomach acidity. The inclusion of probiotics and digestive enzymes can also be part of the strategy to improve gut health and digestion.