Welcome to our online and in-person clinic. This is lifestyle healthcare that cares about and understands the underlying cause of your health condition.

Combining cutting-edge tests, nutrition science and mindset work, our unique approach transforms the way you live your life.

London’s Top Nutritionists and Functional Medicine Practitioners.

Functional Nutritionist Clinic London

New Era Healthcare for Professionals. Be In Your Element.

The right Practitioner for you

We are online, internationally or in-person in London. Our team has different areas of specialisms, so get in touch - click button below.

Who are we?

A team of people-loving, degree-qualified Nutritionists, who love science and natural approaches.

The right health tests?

Feeling let down by your GP? We’re not limited to standard blood test, and drill far deeper to uncover answers you’ve not been able to find. Testing span from microbiome, gene test, functional blood tests and much more.

Our Mission

Transforming the way you enjoy food and life, with our unrivalled understanding of the causes of your health issues.

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  • I wish I knew you existed 3yrs ago - before wasting thousands on private healthcare ‘fear money”

    Fiona M

  • I just really wanted to say Thank You! It’s literally been life changing!

    Female IBS Sufferer

  • My skin has completely cleared! It’s amazing… I was really worried it would never go away

    Psoriasis Sufferer

  • Bloating is non existent! Skin been great, energy been good, brain fog and mood SO much better.

    Female PR Manager

Nutritionist Sessions

Nutritional Tests

Explore Our Health Programs.

Digestive Health

At the Advanced Nutrition Clinic, we specialise in addressing gut health issues like acid reflux, Constipation, and IBS symptoms. Our unique programs, developed over 10 years, are designed to understand and target the root causes of these conditions. We take pride in offering personalised, effective solutions for comprehensive gut health management.

Weight Wellness

Most of our clients have on/off dieted for most of their lives, but are still not their ideal weight. This is because their hormones, cravings and imbalances continue to sabotage their efforts. We take a whole-body approach to weight-loss! We’ll first address your hormonal issues, then your appetite, then we use coaching techniques for you to transform your outlook on food and health - making it more fun and pleasurable!


In our Biohacking program we focus on enhancing life quality, reducing cholesterol levels, and combating fatigue to improve performance and mental acuity. By utilising targeted health tests and lifestyle medicine, we aim to reverse the clock on health issues. Our approach offers solutions to not just manage, but proactively improve your health.

Path to Success

At the Advanced Nutrition Clinic, we understand the challenges faced in adhering to nutritional plans, including for those who are time-poor or struggle with procrastination or emotional eating. Life's complexities are why we offer more than just a set of instructions. Our focus is on the 'how-to's, providing a handholding support service to problem-solve real-life challenges, to achieve successful implementation.

Thyroid Support

Our expertise at the Advanced Nutrition Clinic extends to comprehensive thyroid support, addressing thyroid-related issues, hormonal imbalances, and anxiety. We are also adept in helping you navigate through menopause and other hormone-related concerns, providing specialised care and guidance for these critical health areas. Trust us to be your dedicated partner in managing thyroid, hormonal, and anxiety-related health challenges with expert care and understanding.

Acid Reflux

We are unique, in that we understand the root of reflux, and we get excellent success in treating it!

Living with acid reflux is challenging, and we're here to offer real solutions - as oppose to simply suppressing the symptoms. Our pioneering Acid Reflux approach targets heartburn, GERD and silent reflux. Find out more about how we can help here.

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